Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 44

I really couldn't agree more with what most of you are already blogging.  Definitely just kinda running on auto pilot, eating the food, doing the workouts (still paying attention to the exercises as I do them, but don't really think about it most of the day), appreciating the fact that I can jump rope with a timer.

One side effect of PCP I didn't anticipate was the inability to leave a kitchen dirty.  I never spent much time in the kitchen before, but now that I'm in it regularly I do not feel comfortable with dirty dishes, packaging strewn about, etc.  It is now part of my nightly routine to make sure everything is washed and wiped down and put away.  And I kinda like it.


  1. Brian - will you please come to my house and clean up my kitchen? I don't seem to have the "must go to bed with a clean kitchen" PCP side effect:)

  2. I am in charge of the kitchen in my house and I like it nice and clean ready to prepare something at a moments notice. I think I have stepped up my game with PCP too.

  3. Another good habit is formed! Thanks, PCP!

  4. I love the evening kitchen wipe down. LOVE IT!

  5. Couldn't agree with you more! I have fond that I too have to leave my kitchen clean. I hope you have the luxury of a dishwasher. I don't but somehow, I get thru cleaning the dishes every night cause I don't want to have to do it in the morning!!
