Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day 35 - A Day Behind

I finally had to miss a day, so I am now a day behind.  Work has taken it's toll lately, I could not get my exercises in until 11PM on both Saturday and Monday.  And Sunday....Sunday I didn't get home until almost 1AM (work, not partying).  It was the point where I realized I was gonna get less than six hours of sleep anyway, so I chose the sleep over exercise.  So I got my rest day a day early, and am now a day behind on the exercises.  Why does it seem that no matter how much I prioritize, work gets precedence?  I don't even like my work, it's frustrating.

Other than that, the exercises are going really well, definitely getting worked every time.  Also, I noticed a while ago that 9 times out of 10 when I trip jump roping it's my right foot that catches.  So I started doing a bunch of one legged jumps to break up the monotony of jump roping and I realized that I'm letting my left leg do all the work.  Seriously, jumping on my left leg is almost the same as jumping two footed, whereas jumping on my right leg is difficult.  I just I was just kinda letting it touch the ground without doing any of the hard stuff.  Interesting, but needs correcting.


  1. Good for you for noticing the difference between your feet! I've been alternating feet on each jump and really getting my knees up high, just for something different. Maybe try that - or let us know what you find that works for you!

  2. It's too bad that work swallowed your weekend! I think you made the right decision in choosing sleep over the late night workout. If you end up sleep-deprived your body will really resist you!

  3. Thats interesting, its almost always my left leg. It must be to do with one leg being stronger than the other I guess?

  4. Do your missed day on your jumprope day if you want to catch up.

  5. IF I want to catch up!?! Of course I want to catch up! Actually, that was my plan, today is jump rope day and I think I may get to leave at a reasonable hour.

  6. Interesting on your leg. Are you perhaps left-handed?

  7. I find my left leg is stronger and I am left handed.
