Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 17 - Morning Frustration

I've been frustrated the past couple of mornings over jumping rope.  Just this time last week, I could do three hundred jumps straight with maybe 0-2 trips.  This week, I cannot even go 50 straight, and often times I trip up every 15 or 20 steps.  What the hell is up with that?  I thought I was supposed to get better, not worse.  Anyone else experiencing this/ have any tips?

In other news, I did full blown pull-ups today instead of incline ones.  I gotta say, I like the real ones much more.  Yeah, they're harder, but where it really made a difference was in the later exercises.  Curls and DaVincis were more difficult and way more satisfying than before.


  1. I was tripping a whole lot just recently and I shortened my rope for a dramatic benefit. Perhaps you've gotten better and need a quick / tigher turn?

  2. I could have written the exact same post. I was HATING jump rope this morning - I even split it, 425 before 425 after exercising. But same thing - I'd THINK I was getting into a rhythm only to mess up after about 20 jumps. UGH.
    I have two jump ropes and now the "nicer" one is probably too short - I kept tinkering with it to see if it helped my jumping, but nothing made a difference. I'll blame it on jumping indoors, as I've done for the past two days. Sunshine, please come back!

    No advice - just sympathy.

  3. My jumping has totally declined too! I think it's because I had to switch ropes after my cheap rope broke (to another cheap rope until my good rope arrives) and the new rope is so different. The handles feel heavy in my hands and my ARMS are actually getting sore (?). I took Ian's advice and shortened my rope too (by 8 inches!) and that helped...

    Who knows, maybe it's leg fatigue? Am totally impressed with the pullups. I did the inclines and tried a single "regular" one. I did not BUDGE. I can feel my whole back engage but I didn't even move.

    Good luck!

  4. Rope comes and goes, just keep jumping and you'll get consistent. (Think around Day 60)

    Good acceptance of the pain when you do the exercises right. Good attitude.

  5. Jump rope problems may also come from the over worked feet, try to switch one day to swin/walk/jog and give them a rest from the rutine, it made a whole difirence to me

  6. Im the same with the rope, some days I Can do it no problem, others, I'm falling all over the place, keep up the good work!
