Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day Duece Duece!

Well, I'm finding the jumping getting a little easier, I still trip a lot but have improved some.  Maybe the running break helped.  It really is nice to know that when I'm struggling with this, everyone else is going through the same thing.  So thanks team.

I've also been doing my exercises at night the last few days.  I see positives and negatives to this.  I like working out in the morning, as I feel positive effects throughout the day from the exercises.  But when I exercise at night, I feel like my body is more awake and in tune with the exercises, like I'm doing a better job with form.  So I guess there's a trade off.  Maybe I'll just mix it up on a weekly basis, keep experimenting to see which I like the best.


  1. Question for you Brian: do you find that you sleep better or worse when you do your exercises at night? Or is there no difference?

  2. It's always better to keep the body guessing a little bit. Mixing it up is a good plan.

  3. Erin, I find that there is no difference in quality of sleep, although sometimes when I exercise at night it does take my mind a little bit longer to settle down after the workout.
