Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 48

Wow, I didn't realize I hadn't posted in so long.  I know this valley thing is definitely true, I'm finding it harder to blog, and the longer I go without the easier it is not to say anything.  Sorry Team Cookie Monster.

I thought I would write today about my major failure this weekend.  Saturday night was a Halloween party.  I didn't want to think up a costume so I just bought some cheap aviators and a hoody and went as the Unabomber.  But everyone kept asking me if I was Joaquin Phoenix all night.  But let's just say moderation was not part of the equation.  I felt absolutely terrible most of the day yesterday, although still stuck with the diet well and did the exercises.  And I still feel way better every time I do the exercises.  But I still feel my balance has been rocked a little too hard.  It's interesting that being in better shape and eating much better, we can feel more in tune with our bodies.  The flip side is that when you abuse it, you notice it way more.  So at least I learned something.


  1. That Joaquin Phoenix thing is pretty funny.

    So it sounds like "no moderation" results in yuckiness? Good lesson!

  2. I love that you went as the Unabomber. As for the slip, seems like you learned from it. Onwards and upwards

  3. The irony is that your base level of "feeling normal" is probably much higher than your old one, but the mind is always looking for the next best feeling so you can actually feel worse for the changes.

  4. It is nice to feel more in tune with the body, glad you are back on track! Don't feel bad about the lapse in blogs, I think team cookie monster tends to take the weekends off (from blogging). I've got it get my blog on for this week.
