Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 53 - Breakthrough

It's a breakthrough of sorts.  I wore my first jump rope down to nothing and broke through it.  So I need to go purchase a new one today.  I decided to get up and go for a 30 minute jog this morning since I didn't have a jump rope.  A few observations: Running is a lot harder when you haven't eaten in twelve hours.  Even a slow jog.  I mean, I still felt good during and afterwards, but could tell I was missing some energy.  I also noticed that running at 8 o'clock on a Saturday morning, every other runner or walker I passed made eye contact and gave a greeting.  Every single one.  So a question?  Was everyone confident and friendly because that's the type of person that exercises on a Saturday morning?  Or are these people not normally like that, but they sense some kind of kindred connection because we're doing the same thing at the same time?  I usually make eye contact and nod at everyone I see, but I notice that on a daily basis, 99% of people avoid eye contact.  I realize I look kind of like a homeless dude right now, but even when I was clean cut I saw this.  Just found it interesting.


  1. That’s interesting. I’m from Ottawa, Ontario, where running is a culture and there, it’s rude to not acknowledge your fellow runners (and walkers) in some way (nod, wave, hello). When I moved to Toronto, other runners wouldn’t even make eye contact with me. Now I live in small town, USA, and when I’m out walking my dog EVERY SINGLE PERSON acknowledges me, but when I run people completely ignore me.

    Who can figure it out? I would go with like-minded people acknowledging each other. Whatever it is, it’s great to get a “hello” from another human being once in a while!

  2. Sociology studies have shown time and time again that what connects people is doing the same activities. If a diehard liberal and conservative both happen to mountain bike, they'll become friends.

    So must be the same activity that's kicking in.

    Just look how tight PCPers get, from all over the world!

  3. In London it's about 50/50 if runners acknowlegge each other. Depends where you are. I tend to get cars honking at me to run faster, which is nice...
