Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 56

Finally posted some new pics.  I had the pictures taken without the flash this time so my cracker skin wouldn't be too washed out and you can see the definition better due to the contrast.

Other than that, not too much to report.  I'm loving jump roping in the morning.  And I think with the new jump rope weighing slightly more (since the rubber isn't worn down), I can get a faster turnover rate.  I actually counted today, and the 4X4mins I could get almost 2000 jumps in.  Who would have though, didn't we start at about 250 jumps?  And my calves are finally starting to no longer get sore from jump roping.  Would like to say something more insightful, but it's just a nice, steady grind, nothing extraordinary.  JFD Team Cookie Monster, JFD.


  1. It is amazing how much we jump now. And how we jump. But you DECIDED to count? That is the strangest thing...I have only just managed to train myself not to again!

  2. I'm loving the jumps too, I don't much like the counting though I must say.

    Great pictures, the back is lookin' awesome!

  3. I try to count while jumping, but end up thinking about other things, so my counting goes like this: 67, 68, 69, 70,..........68, 69, 70, 80,, etc etc - good thing I don't have to count for real anymore:) Love AM jumping too - I do it in front of my house, and it's interesting to see the neighborhood wake up while I'm out there

  4. These are the boring days that makes you Peaky.

  5. Yeah, staying in a steady grind is the best way to get through it all. I never actually counted once it became timed. I might try that now
