Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day 63 - Jump rope blues

Two days in a row without a full set of jumps...aarrrgggh. Yesterday I was about halfway finished when some two dogs ran my way and started barkin' up a storm. They weren't threatening, just annoying, so I just walked a ways up the street and continued jumping. Except they followed, and since it was six thirty in the morning and I didn't want to wake the whole apartment complex up, I let the dogs win. So I went for a run later in the day instead. And now that our carbs are so low, I can see the advantage of carbo loading. Never noticed before since my diet was so crappy, but my energy level was pretty low after about 20 minutes. Anywho, no dogs this morning, but three minutes into the first set, snap, broken jumprope. Seriously, this damn thing only lasted two weeks. I think it's because I'm getting better at jumping, as the first one I wore through was worn along a long stretch of the rope, but this was concentrated in one small area. So I think I'm gonna stock up this time. Also, has anyone tried the leather ropes? Think they're more resistant to wear than rubber ones?


  1. I have a leather jump rope and find it more durable than plastic, plus just the right amount of weight. I prefer the weight of the leather as opposed to plastic.

  2. I feel your pain! Leather is the way to go I'd say, I'm getting myself one of them this week!

  3. I have the Nike Speed Rope. Hated it at first, now I love it. It's plastic, i think, with a metal cable in the center. Great weight, nice smooshy handles. Only about 15 bucks. Took a while to get adjusted to it, but that was probably more about me than the actual rope. And it's very adjustable - just twist off the handles, cut to the length you want. I did that approx. 23 times:)

  4. I have never seen a leather one - I'm gonna check it out

  5. Nike Speed Rope FTW you'll never break that thing. You must be jumping on some seriously rough pavement.

  6. I have had a run-in or two with dogs enjoying my jumproping. They've stayed a comfortable distance, but it is a little unnerving to have their little doggy eyes boring holes into me as I jump.
