Friday, November 19, 2010

Day 66

I ordered a Nike Speed Rope, but got a leather one in the mean time.  The weight is so much different from what I'm used to, and it's a little bit longer than my other one, so it's like learning to jump rope all over again.  Okay, that's an exaggeration, but it is more difficult, making my jump roping workout a bit more intense.

Has anyone else been trying food combinations you wouldn't have thought of before?  I know most people eat fruit with their oatmeal in the morning, but I haven't had oatmeal yet cause it seems so blah.  But this morning I made steel cut oats with avocados and green onions...delicious.  I cannot believe how far we've come on so many fronts.  Nice work Team Cookie Monster, we're close to being done with the project, but I feel like we've made some lasting changes to our lifestyles.


  1. I hear you on the rope, there are so many different types that its almost impossible to find one suitable!

    I wouldn't write off the oatmeal, I make mine with the milk I'm allowed in the morning and sweeten it with a tiny smidgen of honey, delicious!

  2. Brian - you can easily adjust the length of the speed rope. Unscrew at the handles, and you'll find another clip. I adjusted mine approx 345 times before I found the right length.

    Onions in oatmeal?? Oh boy. :)

  3. Kind of like a tex mex oatmeal I can see that working.

  4. I like the sound of that breakfast Brian

  5. I know what you mena about food combo's - I'm trying all kinds of stuff.
    Avocado is great mixed in with tuna to hold it together instead of mayonaise. Then you can put it between bread and it won't fall apart!
