Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 15 - The Colors!

One really nice thing about eating more veggies is the variety of colors.  (I realize this is a low light picture taken on a phone, so the greens and reds aren't really popping, but you know how amazing they look in person.)  It really the day a little better when you see those bright colors coming at ya first thing in the morning.  And fresh pico de gallo makes everything better regardless.

New diet this week looks like no significant change, except I get to eat fewer carbs, which is actually really nice as that was my least favorite part of the diet so far anyway.  I actually hope we get to eat more veggies, as I'm finding the more I eat them, the more I like them.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hahaha, so I guess we are all patiently awaiting next weeks plan/schedule.  Regardless of whether or not this is a ploy by Patrick for some lesson, we are definitely seeing some great team unity!

Day 14

Two weeks team.  It's already flown by.  And I don't know about you but I'm definitely seeing some differences...less fat, more tone.  A few cravings for salt or sugar here and there, but nothing that doesn't pass in a few moments.  Also excited to see next week's diet plan and exercises.  But really, everything here is status quo.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day Nine A.K.A. Paradox of Choice A.K.A. The White Stripes

So I have this ongoing semi-argument with my wife that we think we want unlimited choice, but in actuality it makes our lives much harder, and I find that the PCP is helping my argument.  We have this strict diet to follow right now, which you would think limits your options of what to eat, but this isn't the case at all.  Since we only have X grams of carbs and Y grams of vegetables, we get really creative within these boundaries, and we see that our choices within these boundaries are near limitless.  Nobody wants to eat the same food all the time, so you find all kinds of creative and fulfilling ways to get your Y grams of vegetables.  If Patrick says eat whatever the hell you want (week one), we get confused, we have no rules, no boundaries and can't make a choice.  But now we have rules and boundaries, but instead of feeling confused and limited, we feel creative and liberated.  I'm convinced this is why Apple is taking over.  Like if you knew you could only be awake eight hours a day, would you sit around and watch TV?  Hell no, you'd live those eight hours to the fullest.  So enjoy your mass of food to it's fullest.

Anywho, I hope the project is going well for everyone.  I am excited and enjoying the feeling.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day Eight - The Lesson

I learned many things this morning.

A) I need some lighter resistance bands (which I already ordered), as the DaVincis are shoulder killers and I could not complete the sets (or even do very many) with the heavy bands (parenthetical statement).
B) Wow, we can eat a lot of food.
C) Greek yogurt is flippin' delicious.

And that was just in the morning.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day Seven

Alright, just jumpropes.  I managed to make it through the first three hundred without breaks or trips.  The next one hundred were golden.  The final one hundred were ugly.  But all in all, not bad, and I really like the loose, warmed up feeling my body has after doing the jump ropes every morning.  I was also extremely glad we didn't have any strength this morning, as I had judo last night and my body feels wrecked.  So a nice day of rest.  And I will almost certainly be having a half beer today.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 5 - Vanity

I noticed our team isn't posting as much on the weekend (myself included).  If that's cause we are busy people enjoying our lives and don't use the internet as much then, I think that's a positive thing.

I started this project to get lean and fit for life in general, but it's only day five and my wife has already noticed my arms are more toned.  That little comment definitely made me feel good, so I hope everyone else is feeling something similar.  Sometimes it will take those superficial things to keep our practice going, so let's have a toast to our bodies!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day Three - Mind Games

Does anyone understand their mind?  Day three and I found it so much harder to get up and going.  My mind was telling me to sleep another twenty minutes, but I knew if I got up and did the exercises I would feel energized and better throughout the day.  So I did them, and I feel energized and better.  But why did I have to fight myself?  Why is taking short term goals so much easier than long term goals, when in the end the long term goals are the ones that makes our lives easier?  Anywho, jumping rope was good, my legs are already getting used to the routine, felt easier than the last couple of days.  Also, push-ups felt much easier than the last couple of days.  Ab workout felt harder (technically the reps and time was the same, though).  It will be interesting to see how different exercises change on a daily/weekly/monthly basis throughout the program.  Maybe we'll all be so much better in touch with our bodies that we can even predict when it will happen.  Well, looks like everyone is making this work, we got a good team, keep it up!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dieciseis de Septiembre!

Just a friendly reminder to everyone that today is Mexico's bicentennial.  So celebrate!  By jump roping!  Anywho, another early morning workout, no trip-ups on jump rope.  And my lower abs have not been worked out in a while, as could be felt this morning, but it felt good to burn.  Cheers to day two everyone.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well, woke up early and did the exercises.  Gotta say, jumping rope is not bad, I guess all that Jump Rope for Heart in elementary school is paying huge dividends ~20 years later.  The best part is I feel better at work knowing I got up and did something, but maybe I'm just excited about day one.  We'll see how this is feeling in a couple of weeks.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 0

PCP officially starts tomorrow.  I am officially excited.  I have no idea how difficult this will be, but not feeling any anticipation or nervousness, so let's all just take the challenges and breakthroughs as they come.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Brian is HERE

And he's going to RULE the PCP!

Check one, two.  What Patrick said.