Wednesday, December 8, 2010

No Title

I think I have finally lost the remaining bit of Thanksgiving, or about the same fat level as before.  So I'm really excited about this week, the final push.  For PCP of course, not for life, I really can't imagine life now without working out regularly.  One technical question about planks though.  Has anyone else had problems breathing while performing them?  It didn't seem to be an issue for me until the last couple of weeks, but sometimes I have to stop them short, not because of the burn, but because I start feeling light headed.  I just can't seem to figure the breathing out now.  Also, the long planks really kill my shoulders, I think I tense up my entire body too much.


  1. I've had the same breathing issue with the plank, try breathing completely normally, it worked a little for me. Good work with the destruction of the thanksgiving fat!

  2. I suck at planks but know they are doing the job based on the general level of pain. I have similar problems - sometimes hyper ventilating and my shoulders sometimes give before the core does. They are intense!
