Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 89

Technically, it's day 90 here, I'm not ready to do my last post, and I didn't have internet access all weekend.  Yesterday's super-set was actually really fun.  I prefer the full body exercises like pull-ups and push-ups, so throwing several full body exercises into one set was pretty much the bees knees.  I also realized of all the things I've learned doing this project, the most important for me can be summed up in one word...vegetables.  I can no longer imagine a meal without fresh veggies, and cannot fathom how I went so long eating so few of them.  Anywho, back to work, full blown last post coming up, most likely tomorrow.


  1. I am on the same page with you, I can't believe how important vegetables are in a nutrition plan.

  2. Your new love of vegetables will also mean that most restaurant dishes become untenable for you. Welcome to my world!
